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  • Tue, February 18, 2025 1:43 PM | Niki Key (Administrator)

    Boothill Graveyard overlooks the City of Tombstone from atop its namesake hill, roughly 25 miles down State Road 80 from the I-10 at Benson, and houses one of the Old West’s more notorious headstones.  According to legend, Lester Moore worked at Wells Fargo & Co. in Naco, Arizona, which provided express delivery services to the frontier at that time; a patron’s rage over a damaged package in 1880 led to four shots from the man’s iron into Moore’s chest.  The incident was, by all accounts, fictitious; while no official records exist of a Les Moore in the area at that time, the affair was nonetheless memorialized in both the movie Tombstone, as well as Johnny Cash’s The Ballad of Boot Hill—the headstone and the Cash lyric read:

    Here lies Les Moore; four slugs from a 44; no Les, no more”

    While it was the first pit stop of my trip (but not the last: mining pun intended), this is not a story of the “Old West” as embodied by Tombstone—rather, participants in this CRC were immersed in the tales of Bisbee, Arizona, further to the south: a small but prolific mining town in the state’s southeastern reaches, whose nationwide influence in meeting demands for extractive resources well exceeded its peak population of roughly 25,000.  In August of 1880, the same year as Moore’s storied passing, the Copper Queen Mine near the “Mule Gulch Camp” was capitalized for $2.5 million, as the nationwide push for electrification drove demands for copper and other minerals to the forefront.  The camp was renamed Bisbee after DeWitt Bisbee, a San Francisco attorney and one of the mine’s investors. 

    Though the silver mines of Tombstone afforded that town with more rapid initial growth than Bisbee, before long, copper was king in Arizona (becoming for a time the capstone of the “Five C’s of Arizona’s economy” alongside cattle, cotton, citrus and climate), and Bisbee quickly became one of the West’s most productive (and profitable) mining towns.  Bisbee grew swift leading into the 20th century with the success of its copper mines and the arrival of the railroad, growing from around 4,000 residents in 1899 to a peak of roughly 25,000 by 1918.

    The CRC itinerary was a tour de force in depicting what it means to build community in a town largely driven by industry.  After dinner on Friday evening, the group retreated to the courtyard of the Jonquil Motel, accompanied by Boyd Nicholl, former curator of the Bisbee Mining and Historical Museum.  What followed was a set of campfire stories in which Nicholl described that miners would work in pairs to accomplish their tasks, and how that intimate degree of built trust translated into relationships among the community at-large.  Copper mining was a grueling, two-person job, and Nicholl highlighted how this industry working standard influenced racial and cultural acceptance in the town at a time when much of the country wrestled with immigration, social issues, and in this particular case, what it meant to be both an American and a “Bisbeer.”  That dynamic was further reinforced by the feeling of residents’ mutual responsibility to build up their community.  The town often sought private financing and assumed debt to make local improvements—a sewer system was built in 1908, electrical and telephone service shortly followed, and a streetcar line was built between Bisbee and the satellite town of Warren that same year.  Bisbee was built on the back of these efforts and has long cherished its ability to drive community belonging and investment.

    After breakfast on Saturday, the group met at Warren Ballpark: the nation’s oldest continuously operating multi-sport venue, built in 1909—five years before Chicago hosted its first contests at Wrigley Field.  The ballyard was a popular stop for the travelling teams of the era, even hosting a postseason game in 1913 between the New York Giants and Chicago White Sox, which saw six future Hall of Famers grace southern Arizona soil.  The stadium is still used by the Bisbee High School baseball and football programs and is a center of pride for the town to this day, evoking the monologue of Terence Mann, portrayed by James Earl Jones in Field of Dreams:

    “The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball.  America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers; it’s been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again.  But baseball has marked the time.  This field, this game—it’s a part of our past, Ray.  It reminds us of all that once was good and could be good again.”

    Jason Macoviak, Library Manager hosted us at the Copper Queen Library which received 2023's Best Small Library in America award by the Library Journal and 2024 National Medal for Library Service. It has been serving the community since 1882 and we got to hear how industry continues to partner with the community to help Bisbee thrive through 2025. Retired firefighter Mayor Ken Budge highlighted a panel of organizations that are working on STEM education, outdoor recreation, affordable housing and create safe and secure bikeways. They all continued the ethos that working together is best for the community.

    After lunch, the group met at Camp Naco for a tour with Jeremy Fricke, the Executive Director in charge of the camp’s maintenance and upkeep.  The camp was one of 35 permanent military enclaves as part of the War Department’s Mexican Border Defense Project—a plan in the aftermath of World War I and the Mexico Revolution to build a 1,200-mile-long barrier of soldiers and military camps from Brownsville, Texas, to Nogales, Arizona.  During this period, Camp Naco housed African American troops from the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry, and 29th Infantry Regiments, collectively known as “Buffalo Soldiers,” who served their country with patriotism and resilience during a period of racial segregation “at a time where the country didn’t often serve them.”  Today, Camp Naco remains the only surviving post from this campaign, the only one of its kind in the nation ever built from adobe, and endures as a testament to the military, economic, political, and culture values that define the heritage of the area.

    The itinerary came to a finale with a tour of the Copper Queen Mine; mining in Bisbee came to a close in late 1974 after nearly a century, during which time the area produced around eight billion pounds of copper, over 100 million ounces of silver, and roughly 2.8 million ounces of gold, alongside significant quantities of lead, zinc, and manganese.  But this was far from the story of the death of an industry town; the historic buildings in Bisbee attracted the preservation-minded, and the resulting population reduction drove real estate costs down, which, combined with a mild climate and beautiful scenery attracted a resurgence of culture and the arts to the area in the 60s and 70s.  This repopulation has kept Bisbee alive, preserved the town’s landmarks, and driven the community forward as an educated, productive, and vibrant destination.  The town’s story continues to be written, standing as a reminder that building industry and building community can coincide, and often complement for the betterment of that community.

    Many thanks to the individuals that made this CRC possible: Regina Ortega-Leonardi, Class 30, Monica Timberlake, Class 30, Sara Wagner, Class 30, Ashley Schimke, Class 29 and Scott Pilchard, Class 29 for their planning and on-the-ground efforts to make this event as enriching as possible for attendees.  And on behalf of those mentioned here and the rest of us on the CENTRL Alumni Committee, we hope to see you at the next CRC in Superior, tentatively scheduled for October 3rd-4th save the date!

  • Mon, January 06, 2025 1:35 PM | Niki Key (Administrator)

    Forty individuals from around the state gathered for a day-long leadership workshop about Pearl Harbor in Tucson, AZ. The day began on the University of Arizona campus near Old Main at USS Arizona Mall Memorialto mark the 83rd anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack. 

    December 7, a day that, in the words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, “will live in infamy” was commemorated in a special way this year by Arizona Center for Rural Leadership. Conducted by  Diamond 6 Leadership and Strategy LLC, the session included observer participants with long military background to help provide perspective and background.    Participants were assigned to a squad named for each of six battleships in Pearl Harbor that were attacked.   We were tasked with watching “Day of Infamy” and “Tora, Tora, Tora” prior to the seminar in order to have a common, solid background of the Pearl Harbor attack.  That basic understanding the motives, resources, assumptions, prejudices, military values and goals of both the Americans and the Japanese was further enriched by Diamond 6 staff with certified military historian background.  This enabled each squad to explain their answers to the leadership challenge at the end of six  “case studies” – the First Wave of the Attack; the Pineapple Pentagon; Hospital Point and the USS Nevada; The Punch Bowl; Was Japan’s Attach Successful? and The Aftermath.   Throughout, participants were encouraged to ask questions, to challenge the conclusions of other squads (and the squad leader, which changed for each case study)  to discuss gray areas  - and, of course, gaining an appreciation of the difficulty of making decisions without the benefit of hindsight.    It was a profoundly information rich, intellectually stimulating day.  The opportunity to interact with Project CENTRL friends, alumni, staff and current class members was especially satisfying.  Many thanks to the U of A, whose additional funding made this kind of workshop experience possible*, and to Executive Director Scott Koenig for his foresight in scheduling this superb opportunity on December 7th. 

  • Mon, December 30, 2024 9:30 AM | Niki Key (Administrator)

    Have you ever bought a new car and then noticed that wherever you go; you see more of your SAME car? How could it be? Are there really more of ‘your car’ on the road? And if not, what could cause our minds to see more of something?

    A simplified explanation is: our brains can get tuned into something! Similar to how a tuning fork helps instruments or musicians get in tune; or broadcasters tell us to ‘stay tuned’ so we don’t change away from the radio or tv frequency; our brain helps us by taking short cuts to see more of what we are tuned into; even when the physical occurrences stay the same.

    At the end of this year, my therapist gave me homework to note all the ways I built resiliency as a child. As I considered that, I couldn’t help but see resilience all over my life recently. I witnessed resilience in the human body as my partner successfully had an organ removed with cancerous cells in it. So far, bloodwork has shown those mischievous cells were contained in that removed organ! I am appreciative to the resolve and resilience of the CENTRL team of staff and board colleagues who helped prepare for coverage of crucial events so I could serve as caregiver.

    I’ve also heard stories of resilience from the CENTRL community throughout the year. The curriculum has helped families prepare for the future as one mother got to tour the Arizona State Prison Complex in Tucson while her adult son was sentenced into the corrections system. Because of her tour, she was able to share with him more about the rehabilitation and reentry programs available to him.

    The resilience of CENTRL friendships across party lines and over nearly 20 years was on display as Class 18 rallied around a classmate’s campaign. They helped Janeen Connolly win her race in Legislative District 8 to join the Arizona House of Representatives, our newest of four alumni in the current legislature.

    What several say anecdotally, we now have data to support: going through Project CENTRL strengthens your network. The image below is of Class 32’s amount of communication before the program. 

    Some of our biggest opportunities moving forward are in strengthening the resilience of the local CENTRL networks so that alumni in each county can be as tight as each class. Imagine if the local CENTRL networks were as strong as Class 32's communication after they graduated pictured below! 

    Even in talking with someone new to our organization who may serve as a keynote speaker in the year to come; he recognized that the work we do strengthens the resilience of each rural community one of our 700+ alumni return to.

    I find some of the most resilient images as I explore nature and I wanted to share them with you. A sole green surviving tree of the Big Horn Fire in this patch of the Catalinas.


    And another tree that grew right around this boulder in the Gila National Forest.

    When you look at your year that passed, where do you find resilience in your life?
    Thank you for your work with me, the board and staff to increase the resilience of CENTRL and rural Arizona.

    Scott Koenig, Class 21
    Executive Director 

  • Tue, December 03, 2024 12:00 PM | Niki Key (Administrator)

    When this program started people kept saying this experience was “life changing”. I asked myself what they could mean by that. How could it be life changing, I wondered. Would this lead to a new job? I wasn’t really looking for a new job. Would I be going into politics? Is that how a career in politics starts? I admit that when I was young, I always had an interest in politics but as I got older, I just felt that it was out of reach for someone like me.

    I came into this program feeling out of place, I felt like I did not belong here. The other participants were so impressive, and I felt like I must have either got lucky, or just snuck in somehow but bottom line, I was afraid. I was definitely afraid of public speaking, I was afraid of not being smart enough, I was afraid of failing and most of all: letting everybody down.

    Early in the program I gave a speech and as hard as I tried to keep it together, I cried. It was my worst fear coming to life and I just wanted to hide because I couldn’t believe I was failing already. The other participants did so well, and I went through the same training as they did but I couldn’t even deliver a good speech?! What is wrong with me, I thought. Not only that, but CRYING? How embarrassing.

    But then something happened, I looked around the room and saw other people crying. Then I finished my speech and everybody stood up and clapped. That was one of the best moments of my life and I think it brought our class closer together.

    I finally felt like I can do this, but also, I realized that maybe other people felt like me too. I shared parts of my life that I had never talked about, and people connected with it!

    Since then, I’ve felt like everything I’ve ever done, all my experiences both good and bad have brought be to this moment in my life. Like it was all for a purpose, and maybe I have a purpose as well.

    Each seminar that followed showed me a different part of the state and reminded me of a lot of the issues that have been around me my whole life. I am from rural Arizona, these are the issues that directly affect me and my family, these are the issues that are affecting my community, still to this day.

    I think the biggest takeaway is that to get something done, you just have to go and do it. It’s okay to be scared, it’s ok to be different, and it’s definitely ok to cry. But at the end of it all, we are all in this together. Despite our differences, we are a lot more similar than we think.

    Now, I look at the term “life changing” in a whole new way.

    I’m not making more money, but everything I have is more valuable to me. I didn’t change jobs, but I have new purpose. And I’m not going into politics, but I now know how to make a difference.

    This program is “life changing” in all of the best ways, and I finally understand what that means to me. I’m a better father, a better husband, and a better leader. So good job Project CENTRL! This program changed my life. Thank you!

    Will you join me in making a financial gift today?

    Javier Medina, Class 32, Yuma

Arizona Center for Rural Leadership

4341 E Broadway Road
Phoenix, Arizona 85040
Arizona Center for Rural Leadership is a Public Private Partnership with The University of Arizona.

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